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This 6 week online yoga series is perfect for those who are looking for ways to decrease stress and anxiety in their body, and find helpful ways to wind down in the evenings. It will include gentle movement, breath work, and journaling exercises.

A New You Yoga

Wednesdays, 5pm - 6pm


Led by yoga teacher & licensed mental health counselor, Jasmine McCarthy


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Whether you are just starting on your yoga journey, have been practicing for years or are somewhere in the middle, you will find something here for you.

Class Details

Wear something that is soft and comfortable for you to move in. Please have water, a journal/paper, pen, and a blanket that you can fold – preferably one that is sturdy like a classical Mexican blanket. 

Weekly Details

I invite you to set your space with some things that each of your senses can enjoy (smell – perhaps a favorite candle or essential oils, sight – a picture/vision board/your favorite color pen/etc, touch – soft clothes/perhaps your favorite comfy shirt, sound – I will be playing gentle music in the background, taste – please refrain from eating anything heavy 15-30 minutes before class).


Registration can be found here.


  • Users have the ability to register for 1 OR 6 classes at a time.

  • $20 a session OR $100 all

  • Teens & educators register for reduced rate at $5.00



Participants may choose to have their screen on or off during sessions, whatever is most comfortable for you.

Class Times

Yoga Registration

The Many Benefits of Yoga



Decreases short-term and chronic stress, leading to improvements in auto-immune functioning and resiliency.



With an emphasis on adaptability and acceptance.



Also increases self-control, and cognitive inhibition thereby benefitting interpersonal relationships, relationship with self, and overall satisfaction with life.

Builds a Felt

Sense of Security

Reduces negative symptoms of anxiety, depression, complex trauma, ADHD, pain, eating disorders, and externalizing problems (including, but not limited to hypervigilance, restlessness, and hyper/hypoactivity).



To observe one’s thoughts and environments without judgment, and to reduce automatic responding.


Lymphatic System

By increasing blood and lymph flow, which is a key player in immune and inflammatory responses in the body.

All of our yoga classes include breath work, meditations, and journaling prompts.  These are skills that you can take with you off the mat to help manage stress in a positive way. 

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“It is safe to come home to my body and breath”

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